Getting started

STEP 1: Referral

Once you have your referral, call or email our practice. You can self refer by contacting us directly also. Please note that Medicare rebates are only available with a MHCP referral. 

STEP 2: Chat

We will contact you when we receive your inquiry/ referral and ask you some basic questions. This will help us determine if Dianne is the best psychologist for you. 

STEP 3Booking

We will book an appointment with Dianne if she is a good fit for you. Please note Dianne’s hours are limited. Once your appointment has been booked Dianne will email you some paperwork to be completed prior to your first session. It is important this is emailed back prior to your appointment. If you require assistance with this paperwork please contact the clinic. 

STEP 4First Session

If your session is via Telehealth - the link will be emailed to you the day of your appointment. We suggest you click the link 5 minute’s prior to your appointment to ensure that your system is working. If your session is via phone, Dianne will call you on your preferred phone number at the appointment time. 

Please note we try to remain on time so if you are running late it is important you let us know via text or email.

Telehealth may be suitable for:

  • people who live in areas without access to a Psychologist

  • parents of young children

  • people who work long hours or shift work

  • people who travel regularly

  • are home due to Covid-19 or are required to self-isolate

Limitations of Telehealth:

  • A telehealth consultation may be subject to limitations such as an unstable network connection which may affect the quality of the psychology session. If the connection is too poor to continue, you and your psychologist can decide to move to telephone or to reschedule the appointment.

  • The privacy of any form of communication via the internet is potentially vulnerable and limited by the security of the technology used. To support the security of your personal information, this practice uses Coviu which is compliant with the Australian standards for online security and encryption.

  • Your psychologist will ensure they use a private and confidential physical space to deliver your telehealth service, however, it is your responsibility to ensure you have privacy and confidentiality at your end. We encourage you to consider where you conduct your telehealth session and how you will ensure your privacy, confidentiality and the chance of interruptions during the appointment.

  • There may be some psychological services for which telehealth is not appropriate or effective. Your psychologist will consider and discuss with you the suitability of ongoing telehealth sessions.